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SAIR 2013, Memphis, Tennessee, October 4th – 8th

SAIR category: Roundtable

Creating Effective Surveys Handout (pdf)

Supporting documents:

Qualtrics Knowledge Document and Checklist for Survey Creation (pdf)

Survey Example (pdf)

Source References (pdf)

Monday, October 7, 2013, 11:45 am to 1:00 pm

There are many different types of surveys such as, phone, face to face, mail, web, etc. The most common purpose of surveys in Institutional Research is for assessment. The six steps highlighted in this roundtable are used to create effective surveys. These steps are: 1) Identifying the Survey Audience, 2) Designing the Survey, 3) Creating the Survey, 4) Testing the Survey, 5) Launching the Survey, and 6) Analyzing Survey Results (Interpreting and Reporting).

Presenter: Mr. Patrick Roberts, Georgia Southern University

Last updated: 5/21/2018