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SAIR 2015, Savannah, Georgia, October 11th – 13th

SAIR category: Institutional Research / Work Share

Selecting, Implementing, and Utilizing a New Course Evaluation System (pdf)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015, 9:15 am to 10:00 am

Since we moved to an electronic course evaluation system back in 2009, there have been concerns over decreased response rates and integrity of the questions. In 2013 we started the process of moving to a new system with new questions. We hit some road bumps along the way and still have some improvements to make, but we now have over a 46% response rate up from an average of 22%.

Presenters: Mrs. Laura Mills and Mrs. Kylie Moore (Williams), Armstrong State University

SAIR category: Institutional Research / Work Share

IR Support for Complete College Georgia (CCG) Reporting (ppt)

Supporting document:

Report on the Complete College Georgia (CCG) Metrics for Georgia Southern University (pdf)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015, 10:15 am to 11:00 am

Performance Metrics in Support of Complete College Georgia (CCG) – In 2012, a University System of Georgia performance Metrics Working Group consisting of institutional representatives was established to develop metrics to measure institutional and overall System success. The final metrics were divided into two categories: 1) metrics that track increased efficiencies (i.e., graduation and retention rates, credit hours at time of completion, and course completion ratio) and 2) metrics that track increased numbers (i.e., degrees conferred annually and increased access). These metrics are consistent with the data guidelines of Complete College America, and thus Complete College Georgia, and are critical to meeting the goals of the CCG Initiative. This presentation will highlight some of the metrics collected by the Office of Strategic Research and Analysis at Georgia Southern University in support of this effort. In accordance with the working group’s recommendations, these metrics are for undergraduates only and in most cases are reported as three year rolling averages. Although the usual retention and graduation rates are included, the metrics go beyond the typical tracking of first-time, full-time, freshmen to include other categories of students such as first generation, part-time, transfer, nontraditional, military, etc. They also show retention and graduation rates beyond our own institution, as well as those for spring and summer cohorts. Other metrics included are degrees conferred, credit hours at time of completion, course completion ratios, and increased access (enrollment trends of the various categories of students).

Presenters: Dr. Jayne Perkins Brown, Mr. Paul Wilver, Mrs. Mary Poe, and Mr. Patrick Roberts, Georgia Southern University


Last updated: 5/21/2018