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Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE)

The FSSE measures faculty expectations of student engagement in educational activities that have been associated with high levels of learning and development. The FSSE also collects information about how faculty members spend their time on professorial activities, such as teaching and scholarship, and the kinds of learning experiences that an institution may emphasize.

The FSSE is designed to complement the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), and their combined results can be used to identify areas of institutional strength as well as aspects of the undergraduate experience that may warrant attention. Georgia Southern University participated in joint administrations of the NSSE and FSSE in 2004 and 2008.

The documents below are provided for faculty, administrators, and others who are interested in what our students say about their educational experiences at Georgia Southern. This information can serve as a catalyst for productive discussions related to teaching, learning, and the quality of students’ educational experiences and can also assist in evaluating the effectiveness with which the University faculty is contributing to student learning.

FSSE 2020

See NSSE information here

Last updated: 2/5/2021